My sweet sweet Olivia Kathryn. You seriously are just like the saying 'sugar and spice and everything nice'. Because, you are oh so sweet and at the same time.....a little spicy. You are quick to apologize (even if you aren't at fault) but you will stand your ground like no other child I have seen. You are so different from Hayden but yet try to copy EVERY. MOVE. HE. MAKES. I can see the love between you two sweet siblings. I see a lot of me and my sister (except a sister/brother) in how you guys interact. And that makes me happy because my sister is my closest friend. Words can't describe the love I have for you. You make me smile always. And your sweet hugs are the most addicting thing I have ever experienced. You are a girly girl but with a very rambunctious side. You always want mommy to paint your nails, do your hair and basically everything! Ha. Which I am so grateful for because I was not close with my mom at all. I am glad I can have this incredible bond with my son and my daughter. I would say about 85% of the time you are a very go with the flow girl. You are up for most anything. But, girl if you are in a bad mood....everybody knows it! I hope you always keep your sweet, feisty spirit! I love being your mommy and you are the most beautiful, perfect little girl. I love you to the moon and back sweet thing.

Olivia Kathryn born Jan 16th 2010.
Olivia Kathryn at 6 months.
Olivia Kathryn 1 year.
Olivia Kathryn 2 years.
Olivia Kathryn 3 years. I love you so much pretty girl!
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