Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I've lost that blogging feeling...

Title says it all. Not a whole lot going on here. Getting ready for a big garage sale with my friend Krista. Excited to get rid of clutter and junk. Getting rid of old toys they never play with and old books that they never read. I told them we needed to make room for Christmas toys and books. Hayden then started putting EVERYTHING in the garage sale box. Um...hello child.....I am not re-stocking your whole toy and book lot. Haha.

A couple weekends ago I took the kids down to LR for their cousin Miles' third birthday! As soon as Hayden saw his invite he just had to go. Avengers. Enough said.  They ran around with their cousins Ava and Miles and just had so much fun. AND finally Olivia and Miles are big enough to get to play with the two bigger kids now.

Razorbacks played their first football game on Sept 1st and WON!!! Love me some Razorbacks!

Kids were decked out in Razorback attire. Olivia even got her toenails to match and she was so proud of them!
 Whenever we pick Andrew up from work we are usually waiting a little bit. For whatever reason, I feel the need to take a picture of Hayden. Ha. Here is one of the pictures of my sweet boy.
 He is growing up so fast. It makes me really sad. But the conversations I can have with him and  watching him learn and understand such complex things is such a joy. But,  I guess no matter how big he gets I will ALWAYS have this urge and need to protect him. I guess its the mama bear in me. :)
 I think I posted about how he goes to bed between 730-8 every night...well we really needed to make a pit stop at walmart for a couple things and this boy crashed. We had all our groceries on top of him. HAHA. Poor kid.
 My beautiful girl! I just love her to pieces. She is such a drama queen. LOL. Its too funny...she copies everything Hayden does. Every. Single. Detail. She really doesn't miss a beat when she is copying him.

The two above pictures are pictures Hayden took one morning. Sometimes we will watch Saturday morning cartoons in mommy's bed. Especially when they get up a little before the sun does. Anyways, the first one is Olivia watching said cartoons and second one is a picture of hallway from our bed. When I saw that one on my phone I was slightly creeped out. Just a little.

Olivia's big girl bed. This bed came from her Grandma Katie whom she is named after. Although, I opted to change the spelling to make it different so we have our own Olivia Kathryn. :)

Anyways, she says the bed is her 'princess bed'. But if I say "Olivia, your a princess so you get the princess bed" she will look at me and then herself and say "I'm not a princess, I am Olivia." Funny girl.

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