Saturday, August 18, 2012

What a weekend already!

Friday and Saturday (at only 8 am) have already been too eventful for my liking. Yesterday at 4 Olivia came running to me telling me to put a diaper on her! Wait. What? I told her she needed to go to the potty....

   3 days prior to this day she had been having a lot of accidents (which is highly uncommon for her), a sense of urgency and frequency.

Anyways, when I told her she needed to go to the potty she ran in there and after letting out a few dribbles she just started screaming that it was hurting her. Before she even had a chance to get of the potty I was on the phone with her Dr. office. We had an emergency appt at 630. Unfortunately, it was not with the kids regular Dr. Well, they had her pee in a cup and I guess it was inconclusive (or nothing) but the Dr said it could be the beginning of a UTI. Poor baby girl. He went ahead and started her on antibiotics but said his nurse would call on Monday to let me know if we need to keep with antibiotics-an actual infection-or that we need to stop the antibiotics-no infection-. But, then he said if she does have an infection he wants her back in a few weeks to do a HORRIBLY painful procedure to her. WHAT?! So, I got on the phone with my cousin Tracy to tell her about Olivia's appt. And long story short.....I need to go see her regular Dr (IF she in fact has a UTI) and get a second opinion about the procedure. After one UTI she shouldn't have to endure this procedure.

AND now on to Saturday....well...our car got broken into. Makes you feel weird when someone rummages through something that belongs to you and not them. Apparently, they were very inexperienced though because they only stole our iphone charger. Not the dual DVD player on the headrests. They looked through our glove box-we don't keep anything in there- and our center console-only kids cds in there and I am guessing they had no interest in those-. They didn't bother anything that was on our porch or really look through our car. But, like I said...makes me feel kind of weird. And how they broke in...just opened the door. Yeah, I know but we never lock anything. With two kids and usually arms full of them or stuff its just easier to be able to walk right in. I am going to guess this non locking stuff is going to end...RIGHT NOW.

 This has by far been the best crock pot meal ever! It is called 'Cowboy Chicken' and it is SO yummy. We had it over rice and then leftovers were great on tortilla chips! Chicken nachos..yum!
 So, when we go into Walmart or Target and the kids pick up something they feel they JUST. HAVE.TO.HAVE...I tell them that Christmas is close and that I will take a picture of them with the item that they are wanting and text it to Santa. Yes, Santa now receives text. HA! And it works every time. They will gladly put up the item and we move on. BUT, they have to see the picture first to make sure I am actually doing it and not pretending. This method has two I get to leave a store without spending any extra money and no fits and two) I now have pictures on my camera of things they really like. Win. Win.

 Hayden had his 4 year appt on Aug 9th. We go to a certain Dr and we couldn't get in until August..normally it is mid July. Because of shots he has to wait a year until he can go and get the next set. He is doing great on everything. Makes a mommy very happy. But after he had his shots he had a slight reaction to them. The red under the two bruises was bright red and hot to touch. After 2-3 days it went away and he was fine. Just lots of motrin and tylenol.
 I went shopping at Rhea Lana's and I found this Gap dress and it is perfect for the kids fall photos! (It will probably be worn for Thanksgiving too...two for one! Yay!) but I couldn't find anything there that matched it perfectly for Hayden. So, I went home without anything for pictures. I still had a month and a half to find a shirt for him.
When I got home I decided to go through his closet. AND to my great joy this Ralph Lauren shirt is a PERFECT match. The colors are identical. I know from pictures it is hard to tell but it is a perfect match. :)

 Unfortunately, some days this is how I am forced to give them a nap. Ugh. Days like these are not good days. Its only been the past few days and that's because Olivia hadn't been sleeping through the night. I think her bladder was giving her problems. But, here they are sneaking in a quick nap. Olivia has started waking up at 630-645 and Hayden 7-720...I am not an early bird but I have gotten used to the early rise because we are getting incredibly lucky with Hayden on the early to bed. I am talking 730-8 he is in bed. For the past week. No fighting. No getting up a thousand and one times asking for a drink. Just goes and lays down and goes to bed. And Olivia has been a little more difficult..usually going to sleep around 8-9.

 Olivia loves books! Just adores them. After I read her a book she will then take it and re-read the book how she heard it. Its so fun to watch. If I am busy she will pull her chair up to her bookshelf and just take down book after book. It is quite the mess but I don't mind. She is doing it because she is 'reading' and not to just throw books on the floor.
Olivia loves kitty cats! And she got a pack of two kitty cats for $1.50 at Rhea Lana's half off sale. Both kids carried them around all day. They then put Olivia's pillow in the her shoe box and laid the kitties down for a nap. It was too cute.

 The pink/brown thing on the floor is not a rug or even Hayden's. They were playing picnic and used Olivia's blanket in there. :) (And he does have a bed rail on his bed...just hadn't put it back on when I took picture) This is Grandmother Blair's bed when she was a child and it is a beautiful bed and really high off the ground.
I wanted to rearrange Hayden's room. I don't have any before pictures but the above pictures are the after. His bookshelf was right under the window and under his DVD holder. They were climbing on it to get DVDs down and would just throw them all on the ground. And how it was before seemed cluttered. I didn't get rid of anything but I love how it turned out. It is much more relaxing and actually he has more space and ever since I rearranged that's when he started sleeping in there more often without fighting. I just adore his room now. Probably my favorite room in the house. :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Not a lot

Not a whole lot is going on around here. This past Sunday we did make our way to Silver Dollar City for the 'Moonlight Madness'. We didn't get any pictures but it was probably the most fun we have ever had there. After two weeks of 100+ degree weather, Sunday it was a high of 89. We couldn't get in until 6 because we were taking some friends of ours (and guests couldn't get in until then).
   Once we got to Silver Dollar City and got the kids their armbands with their height (Olivia is a half inch too short for all the rides Hayden can go on) we met John and Liz. Unfortunately we did not spend too much time with them because, well, they are are two adults who want to ride adult rides. Ha! Andrew and Hayden got to go on Andrew's favorite ride 'The Lost River'. I decided that instead of waiting for them I would take Olivia to the kid rides. We rode the frogs and caterpillar rides A LOT. The kids had so much fun. After Hayden got in his two big rides he was ready for the kid section as well. The weather was absolutely perfect. And the parks atmosphere at night was so neat. OH, and I almost forgot...Hayden got to ride his very first ride all by himself. While I rode with Olivia on the caterpillar ride Hayden insisted that he ride one by himself. Not with Daddy, not with me in the back but all by himself. I wish we got a picture of him....he was so proud. :)

 Oh my word!! I could not believe it when I almost stepped on this baby frog in our living room! I thought it was a leaf or a shadow when I originally walked passed it. And I just knew....that was something. I showed the kids and they were in charge of watching where it hopped while I went to get something to put this little guy back outside. They kept saying 'he's so cute'. Um....I don't think so kiddos. He was removed safely outside near the dogs pool.
 These are my They thought it was so funny they made an 'H' with their bodies. Very clever.
 I was finishing my RL stuff and the kids were building 'caves' on top of each other. Hayden came to me and said 'take a picture of Olivia'. So, here is Olivia in her 'cave'.
 Here is my fall wreath. I did not make this one. A lady I work for had her sister in law make this for me. SO sweet!! And I absolutely love it. It will stay up until I do my Christmas wreath. :)

My photographer is having a 'silly face' photo contest. If you are the overall winner you win a fall session, free prints and a boutique 11x14 canvas print (I WANT to win that one!) and if you are the winner in your category you win a free fall session and free prints. I already have a fall session if we win I won't have to pay for it. HA!! Anyways, the two pictures above are the two pictures I am using of the kids. Obviously, Olivia in the girl category and Hayden in the boy. If you read this and you are friends with me on FB.....VOTE FOR THEM!!! :)