Thursday, July 19, 2012


Well, I am a little bit upset. Right before our computer crashed we had transferred all pictures from our camera to the computer. AND cleared the memory card. That is seriously painful to write. We lost all videos and pictures from our camera. Pictures of kids as teeny tiny babies. :( So sad. I am hoping Andrew will do some sort of computer magic on it and they will all magically be back. Let's just say I am not holding my breath.

Anyways, we had a great time during our Hot Springs vacation. The kids literally spent at least 6 hours a day in the water. They just did not tire from the lake. 

Olivia is NOT afraid of the water at all. She would jump in. Jump in. Jump in. And just continue to jump in. She can wear a parent out! HA!

Olivia is a water fool. But Hayden is right up there with her. He loves, loves, loves the water. I just loves these two kids to pieces and re-looking at the pictures of them having so much just makes my heart melt.
 Hayden thinks splashing people is quite fun! The person being splashed doesn't quite get the fun-ness of being splashed in the face. Eh, oh well.

They had a blast in this thing! We never pulled them in the boat in it (too dangerous) but Steve or Daddy would pull them around in the lake. And when they grew tired of doing that....we just tied it to a tree and let them play.
Anytime Hayden was on the boat and it was turned on he would go to sleep. Every.Single.Time. Geez, we never thought he would get to enjoy a boat ride. I think he was awake for one boat ride and that was the very last day. Haha.
                                      I believe this is the only time she actually fell asleep on the boat.
Haha!! He is standing up here! I had a really good picture of it on my camera. know.
Then we took the kids to the Hot Springs discovery museum. That was a lot of fun and the kids really enjoyed themselves! As did we.

                                              Dinosaur Dig!

Andrew actually wake-boarded! I have been with him 6 years and wake boarding is something he did quite a bit when he was younger and is good at. I have NEVER seen him wake-board. Hayden really liked watching him too.

The above picture is hilarious! While Hayden was in awe of his daddy riding on water.....Andrew decided the jump wasn't worth saving and in the background he is actually wiping out!

I had gotten pictures of BeBe water skiing. She did really well. Did not 'crash' 'wipe out' or whatever you want to call falling in the water before you want. Hayden and Olivia thought it was really cool!

Another thing the kids really enjoy doing down at the lake is throwing rocks in the water and just hanging around outside. They couldn't have felt more at home there.  We only left the house one time the other entire 5 days and the kids did not care one little bit. They had SO much fun!

                                          Hayden fell asleep again on the boat!

Well, there is our Hot Springs trip.

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