Monday, June 11, 2012


 We are NOT pregnant.

I used to think gender reveal parties would be fun. With the fun games and fun ways to find out.....
BUT, it is SO overdone now I just find it incredibly silly. EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. I know that is having a baby...whether it be first, second or third is having some sort of gender reveal party, game, photo shoot, etc.
I am one who thoroughly enjoys a fun party but once something becomes so cliche it just starts to annoy me. I swear I am not bitter. ;)

 I also have been seeing and hearing more and more people I know so desperate to have one sex over the other. I cannot tell you how badly that bothers me. If you aren't prepared for either sex you should wait to have a baby until you are. I don't think there is anything wrong with preferring one sex over another but I have seen it go beyond just 'preferring'. I know somebody who wants a girl because she has triplet boys...understandable, right. She really wants to get pregnant and have a baby girl. I had to ask her....'Would you be okay if it were another boy?' She said 'no' she is actually considering adoption. Only guarantee you will get the sex you want.

Lately, I have been asked if we are having a third (maybe because of my kids age, I don't know) and these questions are usually asked by total strangers so I usually don't answer and probably just give a really awkward look. Then to be followed by 'Well, you have a boy AND a girl.' So? Whether I had 2 boys or 2 girls my thoughts on a third would be the same.  We love our kids....if/when we have a third its because we love our kids. Not because we want/wanted certain sexes. EVER. It seems once you have one of each gender the social acceptance to have more goes down. 'Well, you have both sexes so your good.' What if we always wanted 3? Which we have.

I can tell you.....we will be having a gender reveal party! HA!! the hospital room. You read right. We are not finding out the sex of number 3 (whenever we decide for him or her) until he/she is born. Crazy. But I guess that is a perk of having one of each sex. Haha. :) 

I can rant all I want....joys of a blog I guess. :)

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