Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Fun

We decided to go to an annual helicopter egg drop in Rogers the Saturday before Easter. It was an epic fail! We sat in traffic for 20 minutes to park. We then went and registered and headed to the preschool age children's designated field. The way they have it set up is they have a white line and everybody lines up. Well, if you didn't show up an hour early you were a few rows back from the white line. They then sounded a horn and they were off! And all the eggs were gone! Just plain stupid. If it wasn't for some very nice lady who gave the kids 3 eggs each from her daughters basket my kids would have left empty handed. Let's just say we will not be making this a tradition for our family.

On Friday we went to the Bentonville Square. Kids had a great time there. Music, food and mostly the fountain! They had a great time sticking their feet and hands in the water. It was such a beautiful day too.

 Over the weekend Steve and BeBe came to visit. The kids love when they do. Although, Hayden gets a little over excited and I'm pretty sure he tunes his parents out. Oh well, at least tuning us out isn't a constant....yet. Ha! For Andrew's bday his parents are re-doing our landscape in our front yard. They worked all day on Sunday and our yard looks great...so far! We don't have plants yet but it looks a million times better already. We also had a few people over to eat and just hang out on Easter. The food was good and I think we all had a good time. My good friends John and Liz brought the kids some really nice Easter baskets (very sweet) and Liz helped with food. Such a huge help! I am so used to party planning and doing food all by myself. Great to have someone offer to help. Everything was so good.

We have been gradually working on potty training with Olivia. We kind of go at her speed.....I learned with Hayden if you are too aggressive with potty training they tend to regress. But, Olivia has been doing really great with it....accidents are becoming less and less. She had a major break through today as she pooped on the potty for the first time! She knows when she has to go pee and she will run in to the bathroom, turn on lights and go potty. So, when she ran in there I figure she was going pee AND then I hear 'Mommy! I went poo poo!' She sometimes says she has pooped when in fact she has just peed....not this time! I am so proud of her. She is just growing up so much everyday.

Hayden is just doing so good. He is such a social little thing (so is Olivia) which I am so grateful for. We do 'school' at our house and Hayden is doing so well. He can spell some and we are concentrating on sounds of letters and writing. He is so so smart! He amazes me with what he knows. Even his pediatrician is taken aback by how smart he is. We may have him take a test on his intelligence. :) He has a birthday coming up soon and a party that he is so excited about. We have been talking to him about his birthday and party and on Easter when the table was all set up and people started coming over he walked over to me and said 'Thank you so much for doing my party.' Ha! He is ready.