I have not been in the mood to blog...at all. I think I have said this before. I guess I am just not the blogger type. Eh...oh well. Well, I have a bit to catch up on so here goes.
We were supposed to get our pictures done at the beginning of October but Hayden had an ear infection due to allergies. Yuck...I loathe allergies! Anyways, he was pretty pathetic and then the very next week we were at the Dr office again for Olivia this time. She had croup. And what caused the croup...the beloved allergies!! It was not a fun two weeks. BUT, things then got SO much better....Hayden cracked his nose in a horrible bike wreck, Olivia got a nasty stomach bug as soon as she got over her croup, I then caught said stomach bug and then Hayden caught the stomach bug the day before Halloween. OH.MY.GOODNESS. I am exhausted.
Ha. Cuddling with an US Weekly magazine. Haha.
The two above pictures is all Olivia would do when she was sick. She just laid around and slept. I felt so bad for her.
OH! I forgot to mention that a few days before Hayden had his bike wreck he was playing outside with his dump truck and was pushing it around. He lost his balance and face planted the concrete. He skidded his nose and fingers. He didn't even know he had hurt his nose..ha...I had taken the picture before he went and looked in the mirror. He then started crying...of course. BUT, as soon as he had band aids on he told me he was ALL better. I have pictures of his nose from the bike wreck but they are pretty bad. :(
This is some of the food for our Halloween party. Lots of dips, dessert and some yummy chili. Kids snacked and watched The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown after trick or treating. We all had a great time!
Hayden came up with the idea to sit on the chair to pose! He is so funny!!
Pretty kitty cat.
They are being 'scary' here.
The two above pictures of the 'gang'. Such a great group of kids and all had a great time.
And they are off!
Haha!! Hayden looks very unsure.
This is what Olivia would do anytime she saw someone scary or Krista and Billy! LOL. She buried her face in my legs or she pretended she was sleeping. Ha. Wouldn't it be great if we all could just pretend we were sleeping if we didn't like what was going on. Meeting at work..nah...I'm sleeping.
All the kids going door to door. Above is Jaks...he is Harry Potter. Jackson is Hayden's favorite of the triplets. He follows Jaks around and probably annoys him to death but he is so sweet to Hayden and just lets him.
The houses in Krista's neighborhood really get into the holidays with decorations and such. This house was pretty fantastic! All the kids went up and grabbed their candy...except Olivia. If a house was too scary or the adult handing out candy was too scary she just stayed far away like the above picture or buried her head in my legs. She was cracking all of us up.
Hayden was done trick or treating after about 40 minutes. He said 'I think my bucket is full enough.' So, we headed back and to Krista's and saw a bunch of people standing around her front porch and were wondering where Billy was. WELL, he was pretending to be a dead zombie lying on the ground all sprawled out. It was hilarious!!! He made a couple kids cry and some kids refused to get candy because it was too close to him. One teenager boy walked up and kicked him in the leg so Billy jumped up and just stared at him and the kid ran as fast as he could away!!

It was so funny! He even creeped out a few adults. Haha. That was our Halloween and boy did we have fun. But, now that Halloween is over it is full on Christmas! Yes, I realize there is still Thanksgiving but I want to have my fill of the Holiday season by Dec 26th. That way when I put away the Christmas tree I am not sad. I LOVE the Christmas season!! And in my house it lasts 2 months! Luckily, I have a very go with the flow husband and he may make fun of me but always goes along with it. I think he secretly likes the Christmas season too. Even if he won't admit it. ;)